Friday, November 25, 2022

Pipes and error handling

When using pipe(), the error events are not propagated automatically through the pipeline:

We will catch only the errors coming from stream2. 

If we want to catch any error generated from stream1 , we have to attach another error listener directly to it:

pipeline() helper function

You can use the pipeline() from the core stream package.

This pipes every stream passed in the arguments list to the next one. For each stream, it will also register a proper error and close listeners.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Vue3 - Attribute Inheritance

The child component by default inherit the declared attributes. Vue3 calls it the Fallthrough Attributes.

A "fallthrough attribute" is an attribute or v-on event listener that is passed to a component, but is not explicitly declared in the receiving component's props or emits. Common examples of this include class, style, and id attributes.

If you do not want a component to automatically inherit attributes, you can set inheritAttrs: false in the component's options. These fallthrough attributes can be accessed directly in template expressions as $attrs.
