The one dependencies is NodeJS, but you don't need understand anything about NodeJS. Grunt is here for any web projects.
Common and useful plugin
There are thousand of others plugins on Grunt plugin repository. The configuration parameters of plugins you can be found in the corresponding web page.
Do not worry, it's just your JavaScript
You can use your variables, methods. It is your friend JavaScript.
srcFiles: ['src/namespace.js', 'src/templates/templates.js'],
concat : {
dist: {
files: {
'./build/<%= %>.js': "<%= srcFiles %>",
'./example/js/<%= %>.js': "<%= srcFiles %>"
Read from config
module.exports = function(grunt) {
bar: {
foo: 42
grunt.registerTask('myTask', function() {
var bar = grunt.config.get('bar');
//nothing here...
Task aliasing
grunt.registerTask('deploy', ['build', 'test', 'upload']);
Custom task
Create custom task is very straightforward. It is common function.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.registerTask('myTask', function() {
//nothing here...
Runtime options
module.exports = function(grunt) {
console.log('bar is: ' + grunt.option('bar'));
grunt.registerTask('myTask', function() {
//nothing here...
$ grunt myTask --bar
bar is: true
Running "myTask" task
$ grunt myTask --bar=42
bar is: 42
Running "myTask" task
Multi tasks
compile: {
target1: {
source: './src/app.js',
dest: '../build/app.js'
target2: {
source: './src/main.js',
dest: '../build/main.js'
$ grunt compile:target1
$ grunt compile:target2
Multiple sets of source files
target1: {
files: [
{ src: 'src/{a,b,c}.js', dest: 'dest/abc.js' },
{ src: 'src/{x,y,z}.js', dest: 'dest/def.js' }
Environment specific tasks
var env = grunt.option('env') || 'dev';
if(env === 'prod') {
grunt.registerTask('scripts', ['coffee', 'uglify']);
grunt.registerTask('styles', ['stylus', 'cssmin']);
grunt.registerTask('views', ['jade', 'htmlmin']);
} else {
grunt.registerTask('scripts', ['coffee']);
grunt.registerTask('styles', ['stylus']);
grunt.registerTask('views', ['jade']);
grunt.registerTask('default', ['scripts','styles','views']);